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Pondering the ethics of Assassins

Friday evening, I spent a thoroughly enjoyable time at Calgary’s Pumphouse Theatre, watching the opening performance of  Front Row Centre’s Assassins, Stephen Sondheim’s Tony award-winning musical. I found it a well-performed, intriguing piece of theatre that is much edgier than most of the musical genre. Fans of dark stories will appreciate the glimpse into the minds of people our society generally views as evil. While Assassins in no way praises these people who murdered or attempted to murder U. S. presidents, all through the show I pondered the ethics of even portraying them as the anti-heroes in a play. 

The villains were entertaining, funny and often sympathetic. Was I wrong to laugh at their antics and, at moments, root for them?  How did I feel about the guns they kept shooting and pointing all over the place, including at us, the audience? And, most of all, might watching Assassins inspire some nut-bar to seek immortality through a similar, notorious deed?    

It’s quite a feat for a show to make me think like this, when I generally take the view that writers shouldn’t hold back on hard material.

 Front Row Centre’s Assassins is a steal at $22 (top price) a ticket. It will be playing at Pumphouse  Theatre until January 28th .  Unless you think the subject matter would totally put you off – and I’m sure it would do this to quite a few – I highly recommend seeing it.

Into 2012

If holidays are breaks from routine, I’ve been on holiday for the past month. During this time, I haven’t done any creative writing or attended any writing-related events; I’ve eaten too much food and way too many sweets, slacked off on formal exercise, played numerous board and card games and hosted four guests: my sons and two cats.


The weather has been so good it’s hardly felt like Calgary winter. Am I refreshed, holiday-ed out and eager to return to normal? Not really, but I hope to be there next week.

The first step will be to start work on draft # 2 of my novel-in-progress, with the goal of finishing this draft some time in the spring. My first writing event of the year will be the Instructors’ Reading at the Alexandra Writers’ Centre on January 11th, where I’ll talk about the mystery writing workshop I’ll be teaching on Saturday, January 21st. The AWCS website offers information on the workshop and their interesting array of winter courses.

February begins with the Writers’ Weekend at the Calgary Library central branch. The event features booths by various writing organizations and sessions on such topics as 10 Ways to Kill Your Writing, Historical Research, Publishing and Editing, Magazine Writing and writing about love and sex – all of this for free. Check out the Calgary Public Library website for details. I’ve registered for several sessions.

Saturday, February 11th, I’ll be speaking to the Alberta Romance Writers about short story writing. The discussion will include such questions as ‘What is the difference between short stories and novels?’, ‘How do you know in advance which one your story will be?’ and ‘How can short story writing benefit your writing career?’ I’m looking forward to this change of focus from writing mystery novels.

Back to mysteries, with a twist, on February 22nd I’ll be meeting with students in the University of Calgary’s two winter Detective Fiction courses. Professor Margaret Hadley has included Deadly Fall in this term’s syllabus. Cool. After reading the classics: Poe, Conan Doyle, Christie and Hammett, students will go contemporary with Deadly Fall. Professor Hadley has invited me in to answer their questions about Deadly Fall and the how of writing – most of the students will submit an original short story for their major course assignment.

February 23rd will be another change of pace with Montreal Night at Calgary’s Shelf Life Bookstore. I’ll read, discuss and answer questions with three fellow ex-Montrealers: Rona Altrows, Barbara Schleifer and Julie Sedivy. Since Paula Savard, my Deadly Fall heroine, is a former Montrealer and all my writing is informed by that city I could read from the novel, but I think I’ll read from Grand Jete, my one and only short story set in Montreal, which won the 2007 Other Voices Short Fiction contest and was published in the magazine.

Thinking about these upcoming events is getting me excited about my return to routine. Maybe I’m almost there.

Gallery updated

As part of my pre-Christmas wrap-up, I’ve finally updated my photo gallery page in “Meet Susan.”  Check it out for photos of some of my events since May 2011.


November is National Novel Writing Month. I haven’t participated in NaNoWriMo, but this November turned out to be my novel writing month for 2011.

My latest novel writing binge began around October 20th, after I returned from a holiday in Ontario and Quebec. I usually have trouble getting back into writing mode after a break. From experience, I’ve learned to simply plunge in and work my way back into the groove. Sometimes it’s only taken a couple of days; this time took much longer.

I had left my novel-in-progress at the mid-point of the first draft. Normally, the story starts to pick up for me from there. This time, I found writing the third quarter of the book a chore. I told friends I felt like never writing another a book. Had I felt that while in the midst of earlier works-in-progress? I don’t recall, but perhaps I did. I kept working because I’d set a goal to finish the first draft by Christmas and, ideally, my birthday on December 13th. There were moments when I felt the goal was a real stretch.

Around the 3/4 point of the book, I snuck in a Sunday writing day and, to my surprise, finished an entire chapter. From then on, the story started to come together; through the last half of November I was accomplishing about twice as much per day as I had during the preceding weeks. As a result, I finished the first draft on November 30th.


I still have bits and pieces and organizational work to take care of before Christmas, but am looking forward to giving the major work (and myself) a rest for the next month, which will be busy in other ways: celebrating my husband’s and my birthdays, preparing for the holidays and spending time with with friends and family, including my two sons who are coming from Toronto.

I shouldn’t be surprised to discover that sweating out a first novel draft doesn’t feel too bad now that’s over. I may even do it again.

Partners in Crime

I enjoyed meeting author Donna Fletcher Crow at Tuesday night’s Partners In Crime Reading at Owl’s Nest Bookstore. Donna wrote a nice post about the event. It includes pictures of Stephen, Linda and me reading. Thanks to our publisher, TouchWood Editions, and Owl’s Nest Bookstore for organizing the night.

November events

This month, my main focus is writing, but I have a few events coming up.

On Tuesday, November 22nd, I’ll be reading with two fellow mystery writers at Owl’s Nest Books; I’ll also be signing copies of Deadly Fall at Chapters Shawnessy on Saturday, Nov 19, 12:00-4:00 PM, and Chapters Chinook Mall on Saturday, Nov 26, 1:00-4:00 PM.  Here are the details:    

Partners in Crime
Join us for an evening with three local mystery authors, who will read from their latest novels, which are all set in our own backyard.
Where:  Owl’s Nest Books & Gifts
           815A 49th Avenue SW
When  Tuesday, November 22nd 2011 at 7:00 pm. 
The Authors
Susan Calder, author of Deadly Fall
Linda Kupecek, author of Deadly Dues
Stephen Legault, author of The End of the Line

Deadly Fall by Susan Calder
Paula Savard’s life has stalled. Her lukewarm love life, job as an insurance adjuster and grownup children are more frustrating than exciting. However, she gets more than she asked for when her once best friend, Callie, is murdered while jogging to Paula’s inner-city Calgary home. The police suggest Callie was coming to Paula for help, which is news to Paula since they hadn’t seen each other in ages. Soon, Paula’s suspicions zero in on Callie’s new husband, Sam.

An ill-considered investigation turns personal for Paula when she begins to get close to Sam, but is Sam’s interest a front to trick Paula? Lies begin accumulating. Suddenly, Paula’s not sure who she should protect and who she should fear. As the truth reveals itself, Paula hatches a plan to draw the killer out. The plan’s success would not only allow her to solve the murder, but also give her life a fresh start.

Deadly Dues by Linda Kupecek
When former TV star Lulu Malone finds her evil union representative stabbed to death, her first instinct is to run. Unfortunately, the exit is crowded, as she has four actor friends with her. Without much choice, Lulu becomes enmeshed in the real-life detective hunt, one that she has only experienced as an actor on TV. With her life in danger, and her beloved dog Horatio kidnapped, Lulu’s days are filled with threats, thrift store finds, and hindrances by unknown, overweight assailants.

Get ready for the Lulu Malone mysteries, a gutsy new detective series that presents meditations on the life of the artist, in between muggings, murders and mayhem.

The End of the Line by Stephen Legault
It’s the winter of 1884, and five hundred Canadian Pacific Rail workers have halted their push through the Rockies at Holt City, an isolated shantytown in the shadow of the Continental Divide. The men are tired and cold, and patience is as scarce as the rationed food. Then, Deek Penner, a CPR section boss, is brutally murdered at the end of the track. His body is found frozen on the banks of the Bow River.

Durrant Wallace, a veteran of the celebrated March West by the North West Mounted Police a decade earlier, is returned to active duty to investigate the murder. Durrant lost his leg in a gun battle with whiskey traders three years previous, and he struggles with being a Mounted Police officer who cannot ride. When Durrant arrives, Holt City is ripe with possible suspects: illegal whiskey smugglers, spies for rival railways, explosives dealers and a mysterious Member of Parliament who insists on getting his meddling fingers into everybody else’s business. Durrant must use his cunning and determination to discover to identify the killer before he finds his next victim and derails the great Canadian national dream in the process. 

Susan Calder Book Signings:Chapters Shawnessy: Saturday, Nov 19, 12:00-4:00 PM
16061 Macleod Trail SE

Chapters Chinook Mall: Saturday, Nov 26, 1:00-4:00 PM
6455 Macleod Trail SW

Best wishes,


Sun, Sand & a Writers Festival

My short story “Freezer Breakdown” will be published in The Best of the Puerto Vallarta Writers Anthology 2012. The book is supposed to come out in time for the Puerto Vallarta Book and Authors’ Festival on Feb 24-26, 2012.  It’s nice to think of my story in that warm place, especially given the story’s title. 

I joined the Puerto Vallarta Writers group last spring after reading a travel article on Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, in the Calgary Herald. Author Wanda St. Hilaire mentioned the writers group. A few weeks earlier, a friend who spends half the year in Mexico had told me about the annual PV festival. I was intrigued, having spent one holiday at a PV all-inclusive resort. That week, in addition to lounging by the beach and pool, Will and I strolled the Malecon, hiked up Gringo Gulch, zip-lined and rode a speed boat to a village inaccessible by road. We often talk of returning to Puerto Vallarta some winter for a longer period of time.

A Google search of the festival led me to the Puerto Vallarta writers group website. It invites everyone to join online with no membership dues or requirements such as having any connection to Puerto Vallarta. Most members seem to be English speakers from cooler climates who live or winter in PV, although some members have Latino names. The group meets Saturday mornings at the Los Mangos Library for discussion and writing feedback.

I joined mainly to have a tiny connection to PV, which I felt I’d particularly appreciate during the long Calgary winter.  Plus, I thought, if I ever did return I might like to attend a meeting of the writers group or the festival.

I started getting e-mail postings from group members. One with the subject header “Call for Submissions” caught my eye. The group was planning to publish an anthology.  The requirements were a short story (1,000-5,000 words) and online membership in the group.  You could submit up to two stories, but only the highest ranking one would be accepted. Each story was judged anonymously by 5 or 6 people, some members of the group, some outsiders. “Freezer Breakdown” made the cut.

The anthology is in production now. Its cover image is a beautiful Mexican beach. I’d like to do a warm weather holiday this winter and am thinking of Puerto Vallarta in February.   

The Best of the Puerto Vallarta Writers Anthology 2012 will be available for purchase on For a list of contributors, visit the Puerto Vallarta Writers Group facebook page.

Back to the Future

My personal deadline for reaching the midpoint of my novel-in-progress was a trip to Toronto for Thanksgiving weekend followed by a week in Montreal and Kitchener. I made the writing deadline so tightly that I’ve only found time to blog about it now, after returning from the trip. 

This first half of this book is a re-write of the “Summer” Paula Savard mystery I started last fall. It involved changes required to turn “Summer” into the second book of the series. The writing followed the original draft fairly closely until the last four chapters, where I had to rearrange, delete and add large chunks of material. 

Now, I’ve moved into new, unwritten territory. It helps that I developed an outline for the next quarter, except that knowing what’s coming up makes me feel the chapters have been drafted – until I face the blank page and realize I have more to do than I’d thought. 

In the past, I’ve enjoyed writing the second half of novels more than the first.  With the stage set, characters developing and events playing out, the work has usually gone faster as the story rollicks to a close. I hope this happens with my current novel-in-progress – Ten Days in Summer – so I can finish the first draft by my next personal deadline – Christmas.