Farewell Victoria

The Bloody Words conference ended today. Many thanks to the organizers, especially co-chairs Kay Stewart and Lou Allin, for putting on a terrific event. They even arranged for sunny, warm Victoria weather. From my room in the conference hotel, I had beautiful views of the ocean and snow-capped mountains in the Olympic Peninsula, USA. At night on my balcony, I glimpsed the lights of the Legislature building and cruise ships in the docks.

At the conference, I enjoyed a number of interesting panels and interviews, an old-time radio show – complete with sound effects – and the banquet, seated with friends from Calgary and some new people we met. A highlight of the weekend for me was finally meeting my publisher, Ruth Linka, and my editor, Frances Thorsen, in person, along with a number of Crime Writers’ members I’d only connected with before by e-mail.

This afternoon, Will and I had lunch with a long-time friend we hadn’t seen in years. The three of us drove up the coast to Sooke and walked along French and China beaches. We weren’t the least bit tempted to swim in the cold water, but got our feet wet.

Tomorrow, Will and I catch the ferry to the mainland and begin the trip home.