Category Archives: News

Deadly Fall on Book Club Buddy

This week I signed up Deadly Fall for Book Club Buddy, a website where readers and authors connect. A photo of Deadlly Fall’scover now appears on the website’s home page. Click to get a description of the story that’s a little different from the one on my website and snippets of reviews and reader comments. 

I subscribed to Book Club Buddy last year. Almost instantly, I won the weekly draw and received a book mailed by one of the site’s authors. I’ll be doing this soon with Deadly Fall. If you subscribe, you might win a copy of the my book or one that interests you offered another week. The site is free to join.

Mystery Fiction Night – Sept 30

On Friday, Sept 30, I’ll be participating in a Mystery Fiction Night with Dave Hugelschaffer and Gordon Cope. Here are the details.

Shelf Life Books
100, 1302-4th Street SW
Calgary, Alberta
403 265 1033
Suspense! Readings! Crime! Wine! Murder!
Friday, Sept. 30th
7 – 9 PM
with local authors:
DAVE HUGELSCHAFFER (Day Into Night & Careless Moment)
GORDON COPE (Secret Combinations).
SUSAN CALDER (Deadly Fall)

Check out my other fall events on my updated Events page.

When Words Collide

This weekend I’ll be attending the When Words Collide writing conference. This new multi-genre conference takes place at the Best Western, near McMahon Stadium on Calgary. I’ll be reading from Deadly Fall, participating in a panel on pitches and queries and attending numerous interesting-sounding panels and events. $60 at the door buys you a weekend of information, mingling and entertainment. In addition, Thursday evening and Friday noon two local libraries will host readings by the conference’s author guests, including Robert J. Sawyer and Jack Whyte. For more information visit

Concordia University Magazine

I like the description of Deadly Fall in the Concordia University magazine. You can view it online here – flip to page 39 or 41. The novel cover is prominently displayed. Concordia even included Deadly Fall in the title for this roundup of books recently published by alumni.

Crowsnest event

And here’s the Promoter notice announcing my joint reading in the Crowsnest Pass.

Radio Interview Thursday

Thursday morning, around 8:10 AM I’ll be interviewed by Charlie Brown on Sun Country Radio AM 1140 Alberta. They were going to tape it tomorrow, but I’ll be out hiking, so the interview will be live. This resulted from the book signing at Tumbleweed in Nanton, where the radio station sales consultant happened to come in for a coffee and gave me her card. There can be spin-offs to book signings.