Category Archives: News


Advice to sip with my morning coffee

I’m back from a week in Ontario visiting family and celebrating Thanksgiving in the countryside. Now I’m back to editing my novel-in-progress, To Catch a Fox. Before the trip, I left off at a spot where a character quoted television personality and psychologist, Dr. Phil. Since I don’t often watch the TV program, I searched for Dr. Phil sayings on Pinterest and found one that fits my story. It’s included in these five gems of wisdom.


Deadly Fall & Company

A friend spotted Deadly Fall in the yellow section of Shelf Life Books. My novel is in good company at a great store for Calgary readers and writers.

John Lennon’s Boyhood Home

BWL table in the WWC Merchants' Room.

Me and John across the street from Liverpool’s Cavern Club, which launched The Beatles to fame.

Today, on my publisher’s website, I blog about my visit to the boyhood home of a famous song writer, John Lennon.

Meanwhile, today I’m off to When Words Collide Festival For Readers and Writers.  At noon I’ll be on a panel discussion on Creating Tension.